The Residence


Located in the beautiful landscape of Napa Valley, California, the Kramlich Residence is both a home for the Kramlichs and a dedicated space for the Collection. Designed by Jacques Herzog & Pierre de Meuron and developed over the course of two decades, the Residence serves as a testing ground for innovation in preserving, presenting, experiencing, and living with media art.

The Residence’s galleries, totaling 8,000 square feet, are custom-designed and reconfigurable to accommodate the space, sound, light, and technical needs of the art on view. Works are viewed one-at-a-time and at a pace dictated by the works themselves, fostering thoughtful consideration of each. While there is some delineation between gallery and living space, the Residence embraces a fluidity between art and life, setting an unprecedented model for how to present and live with media art.

Tours and educational visits of the Residence and the Collection are by invite only.